Saturday, April 27, 2013

Big surprise!

I just saw The Big Wedding and couldn't wait to get home and tell all ya'll about it! What a surprise!! I knew this movie would have it's funny moments but I did not expect to laugh so much as I did! It was positively hysterical!

The all star cast worked beautifully together and every laugh, every joke, every physical comedic bit was for lack of a better word, perfect! I'm sad to see that it's being panned left and right by critics. I'll say the concept is definitely "out there" but all in all, it's one you'll really enjoy. Okay, folks over 25 will really enjoy. I don't think any tweens will get a kick out of this one like I did but when they're "older" they'll pick it up and laugh just as much, I'm sure of it. 

The film is about an unconventional family coming together for a wedding. The parents are divorced and the father (Robert De Niro) has been happily living with his ex wife's (Diane Keaton) best friend (Susan Sarandon) for the past decade. They have two children (Topher Grace and Katherine Heigl) and one adopted son (Ben Barnes). The adopted son is the lucky groom-to-be and has invited his biological mother and sister to the wedding. His mother is from Columbia and extremely traditional. She does not believe in divorce and in order to impress and appease her beliefs, the son convinces his parents to pretend they are still happily married for the weekend. Naturally, comedy ensues. 

While it is a comedy, we find the overall family dynamic is very tense and full of unfinished business. Thankfully, that portion of the film doesn't get too heavy, there's always a laugh to keep things light. I would say this one is definitely more comedy then drama.

I am recommending this to anyone who appreciates a good movie who's sole intent is to provide entertainment if nothing else. You aren't going to walk away with any new outlooks on life, but you'll walk away smiling and that's what really matter sometimes isn't it?

Check it out, and bring your folks, they'll love it.

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