Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Go, boldly

Happy Birthday to me! Star Trek: Into Darkness is finally here!

Say what you want about the direction J.J. Abrams is taking the franchise-the film was excellent! 

I know folks get touchy when their beloved stories' formula is altered, but let's move on people. We all complain that Hollywood isn't doing anything original, so why do we then get mad when someone comes in and tries to keep our dreams alive? 

This movie had everything Trek fans crave. Action, adventure, suspense, comedy, love, dedication, revenge and the ever powerful urge to always do good for one another. 

Did the writers take the characters in a different direction then you would expect? Yes. Did they also try and keep in line with the storyline from the past while still keeping it fresh and original? Yes, absolutely! 

The hard part for true fans, is the fact that the writers are using characters they love and putting them in situations they feel they might not have been in. What everyone needs to realize is, they are in fact the same characters but, the storyline-the timeline-the world that is Trek has changed for a new generation. If you accept this, you can view each film with a smile on your face. If you can't move on, you're going to tear everyone of these movies apart and that's a damn shame. 

I wish I could give you a synopsis of the film but it would just be too tough without including some spoilers and I really want you guys to see it. Like, really really. You may not like sci-fi, you may not be a trekkie, but if you love movies and can appreciate a film that is brilliantly and so obviously made with love and passion, you have no reason to miss this. 

Can't wait to see it again!

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