Wednesday, April 27, 2016

London Has Fallen

I certainly liked this movie better than the first but I don't know if that's saying too much. The acting was still forced in spots and I think the writing was just a little too over the top. There's patriotic, and then there's ridiculous.

The action was good, a lot of stuff going on almost all the time. Everything boiled down to the writing and execution of, at times, silly lines by the actors.

The President gets taken by the bad guys and is being beaten up on camera and recites the oath of office. It reminded me of the first film when one of the aides to the President was taken for questioning by the bad guys and she started screaming the Pledge of Allegiance as she's being dragged across the floor. I mean, that's some gag-worthy cheese right there.

What killed me, was that they brought that same annoying character back (with a terrible hair style) and once the bad guy reveals himself, she leans over to someone in the Situation Room and explains who he is (you'll see this in the preview). Now, I understand this might be somewhat necessary for the audience but I can't help but feel that if you're a dude with a high enough security clearance to find himself sitting among the President's Chiefs of Staff in the Situation Room, you're going to know who the hell is on the US list of wanted assholes. Just sayin'.  

While a lot of films impart just a touch of humor to keep the audience entertained and maybe even motivated to give a crap about the characters, the corn-ball one liners and "dad jokes" throughout this film are really annoying and distracting, at least from me, from the overall feel of the film. That's a bummer because they'll no doubt continue to make them (at least another one for a trilogy) and it would be nice if I could actually look forward to seeing it.

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