Monday, February 29, 2016

Where to Invade Next/ How to be Single/ Zoolander 2

Where to Invade Next:

I absolutely loved this film. I feel bad for Michael Moore because his films have a reputation of being "anti-American" and therefore turn a lot of audiences away. Case in point: I was the only person in the theater when I saw this. But this was not the case at all for Where to Invade Next! In this film, Moore travels to various countries to talk about different government policies and what seems to be working. What each country is getting right.

What's the most amazing thing he discovered from each country he visited: France, Norway, Germany, Spain, etc; was that all of them have systems in place that are of great benefit to the common man and are all things in which our country desperately needs and for some reason isn't getting and yet, every one of the these countries admits that every policy changed, every study used to bring about these changes; are all things in which American researchers and experts have promoted and proven to be effective. Yet, we're the only ones not utilizing any of them!

I'm telling you, if you care about the world and about what's going on here at home, you need to see this film. It will absolutely blow your mind!  

How to be Single:

This one was cute and just funny enough. All of the actors are folks who are "so hot right now" and they work really well together.

It was another typical young adult comedy and you'll already know how it'll end before the first scene is complete but you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

Zoolander 2:

I cannot tell you how excited I was to see this one! Zoolander will always hold a special place in my heart and when I first saw the teaser for the sequel I'll happily admit, I peed a little.

This one was just as stupid, just as out there and just as completely entertaining as the first! I don't know how Ben Stiller gets so many A-List celebrities involved in his projects but they're all awesome for signing on and make the film that much more enjoyable. Please see it.

And if you haven't seen the first, I'm going to suggest you do so, if only to get into the overall feel for what to expect with this film. But you need to understand that this movie is dumb. Like, super dumb. And that's the point. So go into the films with that attitude, it's dumb on purpose, and I promise you, you'll really enjoy yourself!

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