Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dirty Grandpa/50 Shades of Black/The Finest Hours/Kung Fu Panda 3/Jane Got a Gun

Dirty Grandpa:

Let's talk about how awesome it is that Robert De Niro is doing comedies on the regular right now. Dude is funny. And the mark of a good actor is one who can perform well in various roles and genres. I mean, we already knew he was great so it's no surprise that he can appear in outlandish comedies like this one and totally kill it.
I wasn't a huge fan of this film, it was exceptionally predictable and often times ridiculous but I still laughed more often then not. I know the tweens out there will think it's brilliant what with the random drug humor and constant talk about sex and, true to form, Zach Efron walks around shirtless, like all the time.
It's funny enough that you won't be wasting your time but not one that I think you'll need to see over and over again.

50 Shades of Black:

Another predictable film from Marlon Waynes. It was funny in the way that it blatantly mocked the "stalker-esque" plot of the original 50 Shades but was still pretty goofy at the end of the day. Sometimes it was downright disgusting, taking the jokes a little too far. I like Marlon but I don't think he knows when enough is enough. Again, it was funny but I found myself being grossed out more often then not.

The Finest Hours:

I had heard this film was about what has been called the "Most Daring Rescue in U.S. Coast Guard History" but I didn't know if that meant everyone lived or everyone died and I didn't want to ruin the movie for myself by looking it up. You shouldn't either. You should go and see the film for yourself because it was great. I would like to think they stayed pretty true to the actual events because I really appreciated how the writers didn't try and give it the "Hollywood" treatment with a lot of grandiose explosions or heroic monologues. Some may find it boring without but that's what made it real for me and all the more incredible. The acting was fantastic and you genuinely feel bad for the actors (and the real people they portray) because they spend the entire movie outside in the middle of winter and 90% of the time, completely soaked to the bone. I was freezing by the time I left the theater! 

Kung Fu Panda 3:

The only issue I had with this movie was that it wasn't long enough! Once again DreamWorks has delivered a completely awesome film for all ages! I can't say enough about how much fun it was to sit in the theater for 90 minutes and watch these bright and colorful creatures come to life. Take the whole family and enjoy! 

Jane Got a Gun:

Sadly, I don't think this movie is going to get the attention it deserves. It wasn't advertised very well even though it's got a killer cast. It wasn't a big, epic blockbuster of a western that we seem to be getting lately and I think that's what I liked most about it. The storyline was decent and the suspense/action was enough to keep you engaged. The acting was pretty fantastic too. It actually reminded me of old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in that, 90% of the thing is about the buildup-preparing to face the bad guys, wondering how our hero's are going to get out of this seemingly impossible situation. And then, suddenly, it's just over. Not to say that that's a bad thing, just that it all gets wrapped up quickly and then the movie's over. Some audiences may love it, some may leave feeling kind of "meh" but it wasn't bad and I think most of you out there would enjoy it so check it out.

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